Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Post #100! A Year in Review

Well, I made it.  One year, 100 posts!  And as the calendar year ends tonight, it seems like the perfect time to reflect on the year that was.  Way back on January 1 I wrote out some resolutions for myself.  Let's take a look back and see how well I did with those.

1. I want to read at least one new book each month
I didn't quite accomplish this, but I came close.  I finished ten books and am in the middle of another one.  I'm counting this as a victory because it's more books than I've read in a long time.  I plan to continue this resolution moving forward, especially since I got a lot of new books for Christmas.

2. I want to write at least 100 blog posts
Well, as the title of this post states, I did it!  I proud of myself for doing this.  It was fun to write so much.  I want to continue writing more posts.  In fact, I have a few ideas for posts that I didn't get to this year, which means I already have stuff to write about heading into next year.  I'm also planning on starting a new blog dedicated to my pin collection, so I'll be writing a lot for that as well.  I hope you all continue to read this blog and my new one, and share it with your friends too!

3. I want to start exercising more.  I'm not exactly sure what that means, so we'll see how this one goes.
I'm not sure I can say I really accomplished this.  I did start making more of an effort to go for walks during my days, so I guess that's something.  I haven't really done much else though.

4.  I want to stop cussing.  I have no real reason why I want to do this, or how, but I feel like it would be a positive change.
I didn't do a good job with this at all.  I still want to get better with it.  I feel bad when I cuss.  I don't know why, but I do.  It's hard when everyone around you cusses, though.  But I shouldn't make excuses, I just need to do it.

5. I want to cross at least one thing off my Life List.  Obviously, more than one would be great, but I'm not trying to get crazy here.
I did this!  I taught a college class, which was on my list.  It may be the only thing I crossed off, but my goal was at least one and I did that.  Next year I'll aim for two!

6. I want to hang some pictures in my home office.  This isn't much of a resolution, but I figure if I write it down here I will be more apt to do it.
Well, I did just hang one picture in there yesterday.  I guess that's something.

7. I want to talk to friends and family more.  Too often I wait for people to contact me, so I want to switch that up a little and be the one to initiate the contact.
This was a source of contention with me all year.  I tried to be better with this, but I got the feeling that the majority of people didn't really care to talk to me and were put off by me trying to talk to them.  Based on my experience this past year, I have no desire to continue trying to do this because I got the feeling that many people just don't care that much about my friendship.  If I'm wrong, maybe they will be the ones to initiate the contact this year.

8. I want to gain some self confidence and learn to like myself a little more.  This is probably the biggest and most important thing I want to accomplish this year.
One thing I realized this year is that I do like myself.  I think I'm an interesting person.  I'm kind, sincere, and genuine.  I'm funny and quirky and weird, but that's what makes me stand out.  I think, however, that I've been putting too much stock into what other people think of me and that's what has been bringing me down.  I can't figure out why others don't seem to like me.  I know that I am very introverted and it takes me a while to open up to people, but I feel like people don't take the time or give me a chance.  And it seems like those that do don't appreciate the depth of my personality.  So basically what this means is that I'm going to continue to be me and others can either accept that or not.  My new resolution is to try to not get bothered when others don't seem to want me in their lives.  It's a crappy feeling, but I need to work through it and focus on myself and the relationships with people who do seem to care.  And if you really value me as a part of your life, show me, don't tell me.

9. I want to do something every day to make at least one person smile.  I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish this, or how I will even know if I make it happen, but I'm going to try.  So don't be surprised if you get a random message from me or if I call you just to tell you a joke or something.
I started the year making a concerted effort to do this.  By the end of the year I was just trying to do things to make myself smile.  If that made others smile as well then great.

10.  I want to floss more.  I know we all say this after going to the dentist, but this time I mean it.  I heard that you can add six years to your life just by flossing!  That didn't mean much to me before because I thought the world was going to end this past December.  But clearly that was a hoax, so now I have more reason to floss.
I actually did get better with this.  I still don't floss as often as I'd like, but I'm doing it more than before, so that's something.  Hopefully I continue to improve.

Well, overall, I really thought this was a crappy year.  I know that just because the calendar is changing doesn't mean anything else will change, but psychologically it will be nice to be done with 2013.  I hope 2014 is better and I'm already looking at ways to make it better.  Thank you to all who continued to read my posts this year.  I hope you keep reading in the future.  Happy New Year!

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