Saturday, December 28, 2013

Making the Best of an Unfortunate Situation

I was driving home from Phoenix to Tucson today when traffic on Interstate 10 came to a complete stop.  For those of you who have never made that drive before, you are pretty much just driving through the middle of the desert.  When you get stuck, there is no alternate route.  You are just stuck.  Unfortunately, this has happened to me on a couple of occasions.  Typically, one of two things causes these stoppages: construction or an accident.

I knew things were bad when we were stopped and the truckers got out of their trucks to talk to each other.  A few minutes later, a police car, ambulance, and fire truck all went racing by.  It was definitely a bad accident.  I texted a friend who did some research and called me back with the grim news that there was a crash and the freeway was going to be closed until just after 5:30 while they cleared everything.  It was right around 4:00 when she called.  So I set in to sit in my car for at least an hour and a half.

Well, I wasn't about to get out of my car and wander around, although many others did just that.  So I tried to find other ways to entertain myself.  First, I made a video of me singing and dancing to "What is Love" by Haddaway.  Why?  Because it came on and I thought it would be funny.  Then I continued to sing along to other songs in my car, and not quietly I might add.  I got a few weird looks and that made it worth it.  Next I made another Blair Witch Style video which I thought was funny.  Both videos can be found on Instagram and Facebook.  And finally, I wrote a couple of haikus.

Stuck on the freeway
Making funny videos
I want to go home

Brownies and root beer
Now I really have to pee
There's too many cars

All this managed to kill the time until we got moving again.  Now, none of this is meant to make light of a clearly serious accident.  I didn't know the severity of the crash, and I still don't despite searching for info online.  I hope everyone involved is OK.  But like the title of the post says, I was just trying to make the best of this unfortunate situation.

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