Monday, December 23, 2013

Why Buy a Vowel?!

I was watching Wheel of Fortune tonight, and it's been quite a while since I've watched an episode.  But I have to say I was getting quite frustrated while watching.  The contestants on the show kept buying vowels!  I can't figure out why people would give away the money they've earned to buy a letter that may or may not help them solve the puzzle!  In my mind, it's a flawed approach.  You're making money spinning the wheel and guessing consonants.  Don't give it away for vowels.

Now, I know there's some of you out there thinking that vowels can help you solve the puzzle, which helps you keep control of the wheel.  And you might say that if you're not spinning you can't go bankrupt or lose your turn.  But I'm not buying any of that (pun intended).  You should be trying to maximize your winnings, and buying vowels is not the way to do that.  If someone can show me a study that proves I'm wrong then I might be willing to concede, but until then, I'm sticking to my guns.  And if I ever end up on Wheel of Fortune, I'm not buying any vowels!

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