Monday, August 5, 2013

My Bonehead Move of the Day

Most people are probably embarrassed when they make mistakes in public and likely don't want to broadcast them to the world.  But not me.  I figure if you can't own up to your screw ups and laugh about them, then what's the point.  And how are you supposed to laugh about them if you keep them a secret?  So I'm here today to share one of mine.

I decided to go to Costco tonight because I haven't been in quite a few months, and as luck would have it I just received a Costco coupon book in the mail last week.  So I perused the book to see if there was anything in there I could use.  Sure enough there was a coupon for laundry detergent, and I would likely need to buy detergent before my next trip to Costco.  Off I went, coupon book in hand, completed my shopping, and went to check out.  I then proceeded to hand the coupon to the cashier and collect my discount only to be told that the coupons are not valid until August 8.  And sure enough, it says so right on the front of the book.

Boy did I feel like an idiot.  I actually did see the dates, but in my head I thought it said 8/1/13-9/8/13.  So when the cashier informed me of my mistake it took me a while to comprehend.  And then I had to decide if I really wanted the detergent without the discount.  This was a lot to think about in just a few seconds.  But as embarrassed as I was, all I can really do is laugh about it.  And keep the coupon book for the next month so I can actually use it.

I hope my brief little story has inspired you to share some of your bonehead moves when they happen as well.

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