Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Please, tell me how to do my job

So I got an email today from a parent basically telling me what I should be doing as part of my job.  Don't mind the fact that this is a parent emailing me about their college student.  But this is not the first time something like this has happened in my line of work.  And that got me thinking, why do people feel that it is OK to tell teachers and educators how to do their jobs?  Everybody else seems to know how best to do this job, but they're not willing to actually do it themselves.  And most of the time it's parents telling me what to do with their kids when whatever it is they have been doing at home has put the kid in bad position to begin with.  So what makes people think they are experts when it comes to education?

I don't tell anybody else how to do their job.  And that makes me wonder if there are any other jobs that people feel the need to offer suggestions for.  For instance, I don't tell my dentist how to better clean my teeth.  I'm not emailing my mailman telling him how he should be delivering mail.  So why is education so different?

I know most people will say it's because people are protective of their kids and just feel that they know what is best for them.  Well, if that's the case then maybe they should just home school their kids.  If you don't trust the trained and certified professionals to do their jobs then take your kids somewhere else.  The bottom line is that it's rude and demeaning to tell others how to do their job.  You wouldn't want people to do that to you, so don't do it to them.

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