Monday, September 9, 2013

I need an It's A Wonderful Life Moment

George Bailey proclaims in It's A Wonderful Life that he wishes he'd never been born at all.  He is promptly visited by an angel who proceeds to show him a world without George Bailey.  And what a different world it is.  Well I'm having one of those moments right now.  Not so much wishing I'd never been born, but really just wondering if I've actually made an impact in the world.  Were my students better off having me as a teacher?  Have I made a positive difference in the lives of my friends?  I hope I haven't made a negative difference.  But these are the things I wonder.  I just want to know that what I'm doing in life is worth it, because right now I'm just not sure.  I kind of feel like nobody would know if I disappeared.  Would anybody's life really be worse off without me in it?  It really would just be nice to have an angel show me some of these things.  Plus it would be cool to meet an angel.  But I figure maybe a moment like that would make me feel better about the things I've done and the things I'm doing in life.


  1. Hey Adam, I noticed you weren't at SALT today. I hope that counts. It reminded me that I wanted to get back to this blog to remind you to never underestimate your impact. You make a difference every day in student's lives whether it's a word of encouragement, a nudge in the right director, or a little humor to brighten someone's day. And all your fellow co-workers, me included, think you're awesome.
    Sometimes in life though it's just hard to know the difference you're making without an angel to show you how life would have turned out without you in it. People go their separate ways and often don't take the time out of their hurried lives to thank the people that guided them until after they're gone, and then it's too late. Since my Dad passed away in '91, I have heard one story after another about how much his teaching and coaching meant to others. Sometimes it was the little corny jokes he told. Sometimes it was his passion for baseball or his honesty. I'm still hearing new things. A few months back I learned that he bought dress shoes for one of his players that was a year behind me and helped out his family. I had no idea.
    Every time you listen to someone with understanding, every time you cheer someone up, you are casting a strong ripple in the pond. I believe in the collective power of ripples and hope one day everyone aspires to be the George Bailey in their own corner of the world. Hope you're back at work soon!

  2. Oops! I just caught a typo. "a nudge in the right director" should read "direction." lol
