Monday, February 24, 2014

Rejection Sucks

The title of this post is pretty self explanatory.  We've all felt that way at some point in our lives, I'm sure.  I've been rejected a lot in my life, and I'm not just talking about the ladies.  Although, that is sort of what instigated this post.  But I've been rejected by friends, family, employers, animals, etc.  And it never really gets any easier to deal with.  In fact, I think it gets harder as you get older.  When you're young, you're more resilient and it's easier to see past the rejection and into the future.  As you get older your sight gets a little blurry.  And I think that's why the rejection I've dealt with over the past couple years hurts so much.  And it's been a lot of rejection, from all directions.  Some of it I didn't see coming, which sucks even more.  But the hardest thing is looking at myself and trying not to think that it was my fault.  When so many people reject you, you can't help but think it's your fault.  And I fully admit that I'm not always the easiest person to get to know or be friends with, but at the same time, I'm pretty awesome.  So all these people that have rejected me are missing out on the chance to get to know an awesome person.  And most of them never even gave me a chance.  That's all I'm asking, give me a chance, because I'm at the point where I'm really starting to second guess where I am and where I'm going in life because I don't see anyone giving me a chance here.  So this is me calling out Arizona and everybody in this state, and saying quit rejecting me and give me a chance.  I'm sure there are 49 other states (well, maybe 48) who would love to have me.  So stop the rejection and start showing some love.  And I'm not just talking about towards me, although I would like to see a little more love heading my way (or rather a lot more love), but think about the messages you send to others as well.  What might seem innocent to you, might be hurtful to others.  Your actions say a lot more than your words, so be aware of what you are actually saying when you act.  I've tried to make a concerted effort to be more aware of my own actions, and while I realize I'm not perfect, nor is anyone else, I wish more people would do the same because some people's actions towards me, whether intentional or not, have been very hurtful lately.  Sorry for the rant, but today kind of sucked and I feel at peace when I write.

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