Friday, January 31, 2014

My All Time Top Ten Movie Heroes of All Time According to Me

As many of you know I am a big James Bond fan.  BBC started airing a miniseries this week about Ian Fleming, the creator of Bond.  In preparation for the premiere they aired a marathon of Bond movies over the weekend.  This got me thinking about the best movie heroes out there.  And that's what inspired me to put together this list of My All Time Top Ten Movie Heroes of All Time According to Me (straight from the Department of Redundancy Department).  As a way to narrow it down I decided not to include heroes from any sports or comic book movies.  I say that so you don't chastise me for leaving Rocky and Batman off the list.  Maybe those lists will come in the future.  Now let's commence with the countdown.

10. Sam Spade
The Maltese Falcon

This has always been one of my favorite movies, and Bogart's portrayal of Detective Sam Spade is superb.

9. Wyatt Earp
Tombstone (I realize he has appeared in many films, but I like Tombstone best.)

I've always had a fascination with the Old West, especially Wyatt Earp.  While I realize that most of the film adaptations are not exactly true to life, he still comes across as a bad ass, which he really was.

8. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

"The next time I say let's go someplace like Bolivia, let's go someplace like Bolivia!"  One of my favorite movie quotes of all time.  While Butch and Sundance may have been train robbers, you still root for them, and they certainly go out in a blaze of glory.

7. Ellen Ripley
Alien series

To simply label her as the best female movie hero is an injustice.  She truly belongs on the list of greatest heroes.  She plain and simply kicks ass.

6. Will Kane
High Noon

Again you see the Western influence on this list.  If you haven't seen High Noon, you're missing out.  It might be the greatest Western of all time, and Cooper's portrayal of Will Kane is the reason.

5. Robin Hood
Robin Hood

Another character that has seen multiple film adaptations.  The Disney version is my favorite Disney movie, so that's why I chose that one to represent the hero of Robin Hood.  And who hasn't imagined being Robin Hood at one point during their life?  I even dressed up as Robin Hood for Halloween one year.

4. John McClane
Die Hard series

I know what you're thinking, how is John McClane only at number four?!  I almost don't believe it myself, but you'll understand when you see the top three.  As for McClane, I think his credentials speak for themselves.

3. Indiana Jones 
Indiana Jones series

Yea, he's pretty good.  He found the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, and he returned some spiritual stones to their rightful owners.  We won't mention that whole Crystal Skull incident, though.

2. James Bond
James Bond series

50 years, 23 movies.  That's an impressive resume.  He has been all over the world, killed lots of bad guys, and slept with a ton of suggestively named women.  He's every man's hero, or at least he should be.  He would easily be my number one if not for...

1. Han Solo
Star Wars series

He is my idol.  I've been pretending to be Han Solo since I was five.  I still want to be Han Solo.  Without him, the Rebels don't stand a chance.  He is the key to whole movie.  Greatest hero ever as far as I'm concerned.  And, oh yea, he has a Wookie for a sidekick.

Honorable mention: The Terminator (Terminator 2: Judgement Day), Harry Tasker (True Lies), Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird), George Bailey (It's a Wonderful Life), Shane (Shane), Harry Calahan (Dirty Harry series), the Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters)

So that's the list.  The top five were pretty easy to put together, but narrowing down the bottom five was pretty tough.  I had to leave off some pretty heavy hitters. Feel free to share your thoughts on my selections.

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