Monday, March 17, 2014

Greatest Sitcom Bracket Round 2 Part II

Voting has concluded in the first two regions of Round 2, and we have quite a few surprises.

In the I Love Lucy region my predictions were pretty much as wrong as could be.  First, I thought I Love Lucy would advance easily over Three's Company, but it turned out to be a lot closer.  The final score was 8-6.  I'm a little, no, a lot, shocked by that.  How are that many people voting for Three's Company over I Love Lucy?!  I'm flummoxed, but glad that Lucy advanced.

The next matchup featured the biggest blowout in this round of voting, with The Big Bang Theory destroying Murphy Brown, 12-2.  I really thought this matchup would be closer.  Now I'm wondering if Big Bang poses a serious threat to Lucy.

Next up, we have quite a big upset.  Growing Pains took out The Mary Tyler Moore Show 8-6.  This is the second straight upset for Growing Pains and puts our first double digit seed in the Sweet Sixteen.  This is another surprise to me.  Don't get me wrong, I like Growing Pains, but I didn't think it could beat MTM.  I think it might have a chance to advance to the Elite Eight now, too.

In the closest matchup in this region Who's the Boss and The Dick Van Dyke Show finished in a tie, 7-7.  As was established earlier, the tiebreaker comes down to my vote, which in this case was for Dick Van Dyke.  Once again the Alyssa Milano effect gave some power to Who's the Boss, and maybe if voting was open longer it would have won.  But it didn't, and now I'm wondering if DVD can take down the force that is Growing Pains.

The Friends regions featured a couple upsets, based on seed, but no real close results.  Friends moved on easily over The Beverly Hillbillies 10-4.  No surprise there.

As I predicted, Full House beat Sanford and Son by a score of 11-3.  I think a lot of people have a soft spot for Full House.  I'm really wondering if I completely under seeded it.  I am very curious to see how the Friends-Full House matchup shapes up.

In another upset, but not really a surprise, The Brady Bunch beat The Honeymooners 10-4.  Much like Full House, I think people have a soft spot for the Bradys.  This also may have been under seeded, but it really didn't have the numbers to be seeded higher.  But everybody knows who the Brady Bunch is, and you just can't measure that.

And in the final matchup in this region Seinfeld dispatched Everybody Loves Raymond 10-4.  This isn't a surprise either and sets up another intriguing matchup against The Brady Bunch.

So here's what the bracket looks like now.

Greatest Sitcom Bracket

And now it's time to move on to voting in the next two regions.  I think the top two seeds in each region will advance easily, but I can't even begin to guess what might happen in the other matchups.  Of course, based on the last round of voting, we've all seen how accurate my predictions are.  No matter what it should be interesting.  So please vote, and share with your friends.

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