Monday, August 12, 2013

My Favorite Sound

Everyday we are treated to sounds that make our lives more interesting.  Some sounds are more pleasing than others.  But how many of you go so far as to actually think about those sounds that make your life more pleasing?  I think about it just about everyday.

Growing up, I was able to hear the sounds of the trains passing through town from my house.  I always kind of took it for granted, but I liked hearing them at night.  It was soothing.  Then I moved to Tucson and I wasn't able to hear the trains from anywhere I lived.  Until I bought my house.  I live about two miles from the train tracks and I hear them all the time.  I love it!  It's still soothing and it reminds me of my childhood.  There's something just relaxing about the sound of a train whistle and the wheels going over the tracks.  But it wasn't until recently that I was consciously aware of how this sound made me feel.

I have done lots of activities over the years asking what my favorite sounds are, and I've always answered the sounds of vendors at a baseball game.  I do still love that sound, and pretty much every sound at a baseball game.  But for some reason, it doesn't compare to trains.  When I'm having trouble falling asleep the sound of a passing train is usually all it takes to relax me enough so I can fall asleep.  If I'm having a bad day, hearing the trains helps me refocus.  So that's why I think about my favorite sound everyday.  Because I love hearing it everyday.

What are some of your favorite sounds?  Have you ever thought about it?  Maybe we should all be more aware of the sounds we hear and how they affect our lives.  Feel free to share in the comments.

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